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Home » Germany and Czech Republic Outraged by Macron’s Statements on Taiwan

Germany and Czech Republic Outraged by Macron’s Statements on Taiwan

by Joan Soldado

German and Czech politicians criticized French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements regarding Taiwan, as well as Europe’s dependence on the United States

The French leader made a statement upon his return from China, hinting that Europe does not need to become part of the conflict over Taiwan. This drew criticism from the United States, Germany and the Czech Republic.


In Berlin, Metin Hakverdi, an MP from the Social Democratic Party (Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s party), was the first to react.

“Macron is doing it again. In Beijing, without permission from the EU, to talk about it. Then he will certainly organize security guarantees for Ukraine,” the deputy said.

The top German politician who criticized Macron was a former minister, a representative of the Christian Democratic Union, Norbert Rettgen. He said French policy was leading to a “geopolitical impasse” for Europe.

“It is almost ironic that Macron, who does even less for Ukraine than Scholz, is pushing the United States away with his statements on China,” the politician stressed.

At the same time, the CDU fears that such statements by Macron could worsen relations between the US and Europe.

“If the Americans had thought the same way since February 24, 2022, Ukraine would no longer exist, and Putin would probably already be standing near Paris,” said CDU MP Tilman Kuban.


In Prague, Emmanuel Macron’s statements were taken even more critically, since the Czech Republic considers Taiwan to be its close political and economic ally.

“Macron in China has blown up a key alliance between Europe and the US,” Senator Miroslava Nemtsova of the ruling Civic Democratic Party wrote on social media.

Another senator, Davil Smolyak, noted that Europe should strengthen autonomy, but, first of all, we are talking about deprivation of dependence on Russia and China.

“In any case, the assurance of the Asian giant that Taiwan is not our business does not reduce the risk of a military conflict. On the contrary,” he stressed.

As DS reported, French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden had a telephone conversation ahead of Macron’s visit to Beijing.

According to media reports, Chinese leader Xi Jinping persuaded French President Emmanuel Macron to “stand against” the United States.

Macron later spoke again about the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe , especially in the context of the US-China standoff over Taiwan.

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